Can Change Gender Registry entry

Specifies whether or not a user / group is able to process a change of gender for a Registration in the Births module.

Note: Only for use by the Newfoundland and Labrador Vital Statistics Division.


This Registry entry can be assigned to users and groups:

Key 1UserGroupGroup
Key 2usergroupDefault
Key 3Table
Key 4ebirths
Key 5Can Change Gender



is true (the user / group is able to process a change of gender for a registration in the Births module) or false (the user / group is not able to process a change of gender for a registration in the Births module).

When set to true, the Process>Gender Change>Add Menu option will display in the Births module.

Note: If this entry is not present, a setting of false is assumed.


This entry specifies that user VW is able to process a change of gender for a registration in the Births module:

Key 1 User
Key 2 VW
Key 3 Table
Key 4 ebirths
Key 5 Can Change Gender
Value true

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